Friday, September 26, 2008

The last five months

The learning that has happened in our home over the last five months has been fast and furious. When Little Bit was diagnosed, he only had a few words and they really weren't spontaneous. Since attending preschool for 20 hours a week and receiving 10 hours of ABA/DTT therapy every week, he can now say a ton (for him at least) of words and is putting together some sentences.

Yesterday his teacher told me that he said a five word sentence, "I want to jump again." Of course, I asked her to share her magic. Upon using this magic, Little Bit has said, "I want to watch Blue's Clues." The first time he was heavily prompted. The 2nd time, I just had to give him the "I want," but he has said it a few more times completely unprompted! I have a feeling we are going to have a day full of Blue's Clues! This new speech must be rewarded.

Just for the record... since starting school, Little Bit can count to 20'ish (depending on his mood), recognizes numbers 1-9, knows a lot of colors (red, blue, yellow, orange, purple, green, black, brown), knows a lot of shapes (circle, square, triangle, rectangle, oval, pentagon, octagon, diamond, heart, star), recognizes several letters, and knows most body parts. He can label quite a few objects, but this is a skill that we are definitely working on.

1 comment:

Lena said...

I'm pretty sure I couldn't recognize all of those shapes! :P WTG, Little Bit!